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Physical Education


Pupils in year 7, 8 and 9 follow a broad balanced curriculum in PE that is usually split into 6 week blocks of activity, During these years pupils are introduced to new sporting activities and they are taught to consider tactics, analyse performance and develop their playing skills  They are made aware of the health and safety aspects that are involved in physical education. Pupils have one single lesson of theory plus a double lesson of practical.  They participate in hockey, basketball, trampolining, health related exercise, net games, athletics, rounders’, softball and football. All pupils are assessed at the end of each sporting activity.


Pupils in year 10 and 11 follow the BTEC Introductory Level 1 syllabus.  It is 100% coursework based, in which pupils can achieve an Award (2 units) or Certificate (5 units).  During the course pupils study organisational skills linked to personal progression and management techniques.  They also cover aspects of practical sport, understanding how exercise affections the body and how to assist in leading a sports activity.  Each unit is assessed at Pass, Merit or Distinction level.


Extra-curricular Activities

Pupils have the opportunity to be part of the schools sport teams including football, basketball, swimming and athletics. There are also opportunities to take part in blind football, multi-ball skills, racket skills, indoor activities, rock climbing, sailing and mountain biking.

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