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PSHE helps to give young people the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to live confident, healthy and independent lives.  


In year 7, 8 and 9 we aim to help pupils to understand how they are developing both socially and personally and to tackle many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. PSHE helps pupils to develop attitudes and values that underpin self-esteem, health and well being, learning and achievement.


At key stage four pupils are given practical help in choosing a career path. Pupils will develop their skills in C.V and letter writing, application forms and interview techniques as well as accessing good quality information about careers education and learning.  Solent Youth Action run workshops within the school to support pupils moving on to adult life.



Religious Education

Throughout key stage 3, Religious Education gives students the opportunity to develop an understanding of the beliefs, values and traditions of a variety of religions. In addition, students will consider religious and other responses to moral issues and identify, investigate and respond to fundamental questions of life raised by religion and human experience.



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